简介:设计一个使用单词列表进行初始化的数据结构,单词列表中的单词 互不相同 。 如果给出一个单词,请判定能否只将这个单词中一个字母换成另一个字母,使得所形成的新单词存在于你构建的字典中。
题解 1 - typescript
- 编辑时间:2021-11-05
- 执行用时:132ms
- 内存消耗:45.9MB
- 编程语言:typescript
- 解法介绍:trie。
const getIdx = (ch: string) => ch.codePointAt(0)! - 'a'.codePointAt(0)!;
class TrieNode {
end = false;
children: TrieNode[] = [];
constructor(public val: string) {}
class Trie {
root = new TrieNode('');
insert(word: string): void {
let node = this.root;
for (const ch of word) {
const idx = getIdx(ch);
if (!node.children[idx]) node.children[idx] = new TrieNode(ch);
node = node.children[idx];
node.end = true;
search(word: string): boolean {
return this._search(word);
_search(word: string, node = this.root, idx = 0, err = 1): boolean {
if (idx === word.length) return node.end && err === 0;
const ch = word[idx];
const chIdx = getIdx(ch);
if (node.children[chIdx] && this._search(word, node.children[chIdx], idx + 1, err)) return true;
if (err === 0) return false;
for (const child of node.children) {
if (child === node.children[chIdx]) continue;
if (this._search(word, child, idx + 1, err - 1)) return true;
return false;
class MagicDictionary {
trie = new Trie();
buildDict(dictionary: string[]): void {
dictionary.forEach(word => this.trie.insert(word));
search(searchWord: string): boolean {
return this.trie.search(searchWord);
题解 2 - cpp
- 编辑时间:2022-07-11
- 执行用时:712ms
- 内存消耗:101.6MB
- 编程语言:cpp
- 解法介绍:trie, 对于每种可能出现 1 个替换,进行递归考虑。
#define CHILD_SIZE 26
class TrieNode {
int key;
bool end;
TrieNode **children;
TrieNode(int key) {
this->key = key;
this->end = false;
this->children = (TrieNode **)malloc(sizeof(TrieNode *) * CHILD_SIZE);
for (int i = 0; i < CHILD_SIZE; i++) children[i] = nullptr;
class Trie {
TrieNode *root;
Trie() { this->root = new TrieNode(0); }
void insert(string words) {
TrieNode *node = root;
for (auto &w : words) {
if (node->children[w - 'a'] == nullptr)
node->children[w - 'a'] = new TrieNode(w);
node = node->children[w - 'a'];
node->end = true;
bool search(string words) { return _search(words, 0, root, 0); }
bool _search(string &words, int idx, TrieNode *node, int replaceCnt) {
int w = words[idx];
if (idx == words.size() - 1) {
if (replaceCnt > 1)
return false;
else if (replaceCnt == 1)
return node->children[w - 'a'] != nullptr &&
node->children[w - 'a']->end;
else {
for (int i = 0; i < CHILD_SIZE; i++) {
if (node->children[i] == nullptr || w - 'a' == i) continue;
if (node->children[i]->end) return true;
return false;
int nextw = words[idx + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < CHILD_SIZE; i++) {
if (node->children[i] == nullptr) continue;
if (w - 'a' == i &&
_search(words, idx + 1, node->children[i], replaceCnt))
return true;
if (w - 'a' != i &&
_search(words, idx + 1, node->children[i], replaceCnt + 1))
return true;
return false;
class MagicDictionary {
Trie *trie;
MagicDictionary() { trie = new Trie(); }
void buildDict(vector<string> dictionary) {
for (auto &words : dictionary) trie->insert(words);
bool search(string searchWord) { return trie->search(searchWord); }
题解 3 - python
- 编辑时间:2024-08-13
- 执行用时:239ms
- 内存消耗:20.96MB
- 编程语言:python
- 解法介绍:字典树。
class TrieNode:
def __init__(self, c) -> None:
self.ch = c
self.end = False
self.children: List[TrieNode] = [None] * 26
def add(self, s: str):
node = self
for c in s:
idx = ord(c) - ord('a')
if not node.children[idx]: node.children[idx] = TrieNode(c)
node = node.children[idx]
node.end = True
class MagicDictionary:
def __init__(self):
self.trie = TrieNode('')
def buildDict(self, dictionary: List[str]) -> None:
for v in dictionary: self.trie.add(v)
def search(self, searchWord: str) -> bool:
return self._search(searchWord, self.trie, False)
def _search(self, searchWord: str, node: 'TrieNode', f: bool) -> bool:
if searchWord == '': return node.end and f
idx = ord(searchWord[0]) - ord('a')
if not node.children[idx]:
if f: return False
return any(
self._search(searchWord[1:], next_node, True)
for next_node in node.children
if next_node
return self._search(searchWord[1:], node.children[idx], f) or \
(not f and any(
self._search(searchWord[1:], next_node, True)
for next_node in node.children
if next_node and next_node != node.children[idx]