【终极听力攻略】美国人最日常的对话,你能听懂多少?|保姆级手把手带你彻底搞懂所有听力难点|地道 英语|美式发音|ZaharaEnglish
- You should've seen the look she gave me.
- I swear I thought the flesh was gonna melt off her face.
- It's not funny.
- And I just have to stick it out for a year, one year.
- And then I can do what I came to New York todo.
- But I can't let Miranda get to me. I won't.
- Why don't you come in ? Just for on drink.
- Okay, yeah. I guess I could for one.
- No, I can't.
- I'm sorry. But I have to go.
- Alright, give my best to the boyfriend.
- give sb that look
- flesh/eyes melt off one's face
- stick it out
- let sb/sth get to me
- Why don't you do sth...
- I guess I could...
- give my best to sb
- 🔥 当某人给你难看的眼神,你可以说“don't give me that look”,表达你的不悦。
- 🕵️♀️ “stick it out”意味着坚持到底,即使面临困难或无聊,常用于职场或个人目标追求。
- 🚫 “let somebody get to me”指让某人的言行影响你的情绪或心态,提醒我们保持冷静和自制。
- 🎤 在不愿接受邀请时,不妨直接说“No”,ANDREA 拒绝男士邀约的情境展示了直接而礼貌的拒绝方式。
- 🤝 在告别时,用“Give my best to...”为他人带去问候,是一种礼貌又温暖的表达方式。
- ❓ 听不懂的母语者口语,如"Why don't you"被省略成"don't you"时,需要多加练习和留意,以提高理解能力。
- 🥃 邀请别人小酌一杯,可以说“Just for one drink”,简洁又不失礼貌。
- 😕 当遇到不想做的事情,试着用“I guess I could...”,以婉转的方式表达可能性,保留选择的空间。
- 🙋♀️ 在说自己必须离开时,一句“I'm sorry,But I have to go”,既表达了歉意,又表明了自己的立场。