简介:求出 最少乘坐的公交车数量 。如果不可能到达终点车站,返回 -1 。
题解 1 - typescript
- 编辑时间:2021-06-28
- 执行用时:268ms
- 内存消耗:71.6MB
- 编程语言:typescript
- 解法介绍:广度优先搜索,储存站点信息和公交换站信息。
function numBusesToDestination(routes: number[][], source: number, target: number): number {
if (source === target) return 0;
const stationMap = new Map<number, Set<number>>();
for (let routeIndex = 0, routeLen = routes.length; routeIndex < routeLen; routeIndex++) {
const route = routes[routeIndex];
for (
let stationIndex = 0, stationLen = route.length;
stationIndex < stationLen;
) {
const station = route[stationIndex];
let set = stationMap.get(station);
if (!set) stationMap.set(station, (set = new Set()));
const busMap = new Map<number, Set<number>>();
for (const busList of stationMap.values()) {
if (busList.size === 1) continue;
for (const bus of busList) {
let set = busMap.get(bus);
if (!set) busMap.set(bus, (set = new Set()));
for (const nextBus of busList) if (nextBus !== bus) set.add(nextBus);
const FIRST_BUS = stationMap.get(source)!;
const LAST_BUS = stationMap.get(target)!;
if (!FIRST_BUS || !LAST_BUS || FIRST_BUS.size === 0 || LAST_BUS.size === 0) return -1;
for (const bus of FIRST_BUS) if (LAST_BUS.has(bus)) return 1;
let ans = Infinity;
const stepMap = new Map<number, number>();
for (const bus of FIRST_BUS) stepMap.set(bus, 1);
const queue: number[] = [...FIRST_BUS];
while (queue.length !== 0) {
const bus = queue.shift()!;
const step = stepMap.get(bus)!;
if (LAST_BUS.has(bus)) {
ans = Math.min(ans, step);
const nextBusList = busMap.get(bus)!;
for (const nextBus of nextBusList ?? []) {
if (!stepMap.has(nextBus)) queue.push(nextBus);
stepMap.set(nextBus, Math.min(stepMap.get(nextBus) ?? Infinity, step + 1));
return ans === Infinity ? -1 : ans;
题解 2 - python
- 编辑时间:2024-09-17
- 执行用时:193ms
- 内存消耗:51.18MB
- 编程语言:python
- 解法介绍:利用set存储数据,bfs时对遍历过的值进行O1的删除。
class Solution:
def numBusesToDestination(self, routes: List[List[int]], source: int, target: int) -> int:
n = len(routes)
routeMap = {i: set(routes[i]) for i in range(n)}
busMap = defaultdict(set)
for i in range(n):
for v in routes[i]:
q = deque([source])
size = 1
step = 0
while q:
cur = q.popleft()
if cur == target: return step
while busMap[cur]:
next_bus = busMap[cur].pop()
while routeMap[next_bus]:
next_pos = routeMap[next_bus].pop()
size -= 1
if size == 0:
size = len(q)
step += 1
return -1