

简介:给你一个字符串 text,你只能交换其中两个字符一次或者什么都不做,然后得到一些单字符重复的子串。返回其中最长的子串的长度。

题解 1 - cpp

  • 编辑时间:2023-06-03
  • 执行用时:4ms
  • 内存消耗:7.9MB
  • 编程语言:cpp
  • 解法介绍:按字符统计数据。
#define pii pair<int, int>
#define X first
#define Y second
class Solution {
int maxRepOpt1(string text) {
vector<vector<pii>> m(26);
int res = 0, n = text.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int start = i;
while (i + 1 < n && text[i + 1] == text[start]) i++;
m[text[start] - 'a'].push_back(make_pair(start, i));
res = max(res, i - start + 1);
for (auto &list : m) {
int n = list.size();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (n != 1) res = max(res, list[i].Y - list[i].X + 2);
if (i + 1 < n && list[i].Y + 1 == list[i + 1].X - 1) {
int val = list[i].Y - list[i].X + 1 + list[i + 1].Y - list[i + 1].X + 1;
if (!(i == 0 && i + 2 == n)) val += 1;
res = max(res, val);
return res;

题解 2 - rust

  • 编辑时间:2023-06-03
  • 内存消耗:2.3MB
  • 编程语言:rust
  • 解法介绍:同上。
pub fn str_to_vec(s: &String) -> Vec<char> {
impl Solution {
pub fn max_rep_opt1(text: String) -> i32 {
let text = str_to_vec(&text);
let mut m = vec![vec![]; 26];
let mut res = 0;
let mut n = text.len();
let mut i = 0;
while i < n {
let start = i;
while i + 1 < n && text[i + 1] == text[start] {
i += 1;
m[text[start] as usize - 'a' as usize].push((start, i));
res = res.max(i - start + 1);
i += 1;
for list in m {
let n = list.len();
for i in 0..n {
if n != 1 {
res = res.max(list[i].1 - list[i].0 + 2);
if i + 1 < n && list[i].1 + 1 == list[i + 1].0 - 1 {
let mut val = list[i].1 - list[i].0 + 1 + list[i + 1].1 - list[i + 1].0 + 1;
if !(i == 0 && i + 2 == n) {
val += 1;
res = res.max(val);
res as i32

题解 3 - python

  • 编辑时间:2023-06-03
  • 执行用时:100ms
  • 内存消耗:18.1MB
  • 编程语言:python
  • 解法介绍:同上。
class Solution:
def maxRepOpt1(self, text: str) -> int:
m = [[] for _ in range(26)]
res = 0
n = len(text)
i = 0
while i < n:
start = i
while i + 1 < n and text[i + 1] == text[start]:
i += 1
m[ord(text[start]) - ord('a')].append((start, i))
res = max(res, i - start + 1)
i += 1
for list in m:
n = len(list)
for i in range(n):
if n != 1:
res = max(res, list[i][1] - list[i][0] + 2)
if i + 1 < n and list[i][1] + 1 == list[i + 1][0] - 1:
val = list[i][1] - list[i][0] + 1 + list[i + 1][1] - list[i + 1][0] + 1
if not (i == 0 and i + 2 == n):
val += 1
res = max(res, val)
return res