


题解 1 - python

  • 编辑时间:2023-02-13
  • 执行用时:348ms
  • 内存消耗:15.4MB
  • 编程语言:python
  • 解法介绍:同上。
class Solution:
def balancedString(self, s: str) -> int:
n = len(s)
m = int(n/4)
cnt = [0] * 4
def getId(c: str) -> int:
match c:
case 'Q': return 0
case 'W': return 1
case 'E': return 2
case 'R': return 3
return -1
def isBalance() -> bool:
nonlocal m, cnt
return cnt[0] <= m and cnt[1] <= m and cnt[2] <= m and cnt[3] <= m
for c in s:
cnt[getId(c)] += 1
if isBalance():
return 0
ans = 0x3f3f3f3f
l = 0
for r in range(0, n):
cnt[getId(s[r])] -= 1
while l < r and isBalance():
cnt[getId(s[l])] += 1
if isBalance():
l += 1
cnt[getId(s[l])] -= 1
if isBalance():
ans = min(ans, r - l+1)
return ans

题解 2 - rust

  • 编辑时间:2023-02-13
  • 执行用时:8ms
  • 内存消耗:2.5MB
  • 编程语言:rust
  • 解法介绍:同上。
impl Solution {
pub fn balanced_string(s: String) -> i32 {
let s = s.chars().collect::<Vec<char>>();
let n = s.len();
let m = (n / 4) as i32;
let mut cnt = [0; 4];
let id = |c| match c {
'Q' => 0,
'W' => 1,
'E' => 2,
'R' => 3,
_ => 0,
let is_balance = |cnt: &[i32; 4]| cnt[0] <= m && cnt[1] <= m && cnt[2] <= m && cnt[3] <= m;
for c in s.iter() {
cnt[id(*c)] += 1;
if is_balance(&cnt) {
} else {
let mut ans = 0x3f3f3f3f;
let mut l = 0;
for r in 0..n {
cnt[id(s[r])] -= 1;
while l < r && is_balance(&cnt) {
cnt[id(s[l])] += 1;
if is_balance(&cnt) {
l += 1;
} else {
cnt[id(s[l])] -= 1;
if is_balance(&cnt) {
ans = ans.min(r - l + 1);
ans as i32

题解 3 - cpp

  • 编辑时间:2023-02-13
  • 执行用时:16ms
  • 内存消耗:7.5MB
  • 编程语言:cpp
  • 解法介绍:双指针,找出所有可以匹配的段落。
class Solution {
int id(char c) {
switch (c) {
case 'Q': return 0;
case 'W': return 1;
case 'E': return 2;
case 'R': return 3;
return -1;
bool isBalance(int *cnt, int target) {
return cnt[0] <= target && cnt[1] <= target && cnt[2] <= target && cnt[3] <= target;
int balancedString(string s) {
int n = s.size(), m = n / 4, cnt[4] = {0};
for (auto &c : s) cnt[id(c)] += 1;
if (isBalance(cnt, m)) return 0;
int ans = 0x3f3f3f3f;
for (int l = 0, r = 0; r < n; r++) {
while (l < r && isBalance(cnt, m)) {
if (isBalance(cnt, m)) l++;
else { cnt[id(s[l])]--; break; }
if (isBalance(cnt, m)) ans = min(ans, r - l + 1);
return ans;