

简介:请你返回你在初始位置可以停留的 最多 分钟数,且停留完这段时间后你还能安全到达安全屋。如果无法实现,请你返回 -1 。如果不管你在初始位置停留多久,你 总是 能到达安全屋,请你返回 109 。

题解 1 - python

  • 编辑时间:2023-11-09
  • 执行用时:840ms
  • 内存消耗:17.25MB
  • 编程语言:python
  • 解法介绍:bfs记录火蔓延的时间点,通过二分获取最大可能值。
dirs = [(0, 1), (1, 0), (0, -1), (-1, 0)]
class Solution:
def maximumMinutes(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
n = len(grid)
m = len(grid[0])
times = [[inf] * m for _ in range(n)]
checks = [[False] * m for _ in range(n)]
q = deque()
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
if grid[i][j] == 1:
q.append((i, j))
times[i][j] = 0

size = len(q)
time = 1
while q:
i, j = q.popleft()
for dir in dirs:
nexti = i + dir[0]
nextj = j + dir[1]
if 0 <= nexti < n and 0 <= nextj < m and grid[nexti][nextj] != 2 and times[nexti][nextj] == inf:
q.append((nexti, nextj))
times[nexti][nextj] = time
size -= 1
if size == 0:
size = len(q)
time += 1
def check(time: int) -> bool:
for i in range(n):
for j in range(m):
checks[i][j] = False
time += 1
q.append((0, 0))
size = 1
while q:
i, j = q.popleft()
for dir in dirs:
nexti = i + dir[0]
nextj = j + dir[1]
if 0 <= nexti < n and 0 <= nextj < m and grid[nexti][nextj] == 0:
if nexti == n - 1 and nextj == m - 1 and times[nexti][nextj] >= time:
return True
if times[nexti][nextj] > time and (not checks[nexti][nextj]):
checks[nexti][nextj] = True
q.append((nexti, nextj))
size -= 1
if size == 0:
size = len(q)
time += 1
return False
l = -1
r = 10 ** 9
while l < r:
mid = (l + r + 1) // 2
if check(mid): l = mid
else: r = mid - 1
return l