简介:给定一个由表示变量之间关系的字符串方程组成的数组,每个字符串方程 equations[i] 的长度为 4,并采用两种不同的形式之一:"a==b" 或 "a!=b"。在这里,a 和 b 是小写字母(不一定不同),表示单字母变量名。只有当可以将整数分配给变量名,以便满足所有给定的方程时才返回 true,否则返回 false。
题解 1 - typescript
- 编辑时间:2021-04-30
- 执行用时:108ms
- 内存消耗:41.8MB
- 编程语言:typescript
- 解法介绍:并查集。
class UnionFind {
elements: number[];
constructor(public size: number) {
this.elements = new Array(size).fill(0).map((_, i) => i);
same(v1: number, v2: number): boolean {
return this.find(v1) === this.find(v2);
find(v: number): number {
return v === this.elements[v] ? v : (this.elements[v] = this.find(this.elements[v]));
union(v1: number, v2: number): void {
const e1 = this.find(v1);
const e2 = this.find(v2);
if (e1 !== e2) {
this.elements[e1] = e2;
function equationsPossible(equations: string[]): boolean {
equations.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[1] === '=') return -1;
return 1;
const uf = new UnionFind(26);
const toNum = (char: string) => char.codePointAt(0)! - 'a'.codePointAt(0)!;
for (const equation of equations) {
const num1 = toNum(equation[0]);
const num2 = toNum(equation[3]);
const same = equation[1] === '=';
if (same) uf.union(num1, num2);
else if (uf.same(num1, num2)) return false;
return true;
题解 2 - typescript
- 编辑时间:2020-05-06
- 执行用时:120ms
- 内存消耗:41.5MB
- 编程语言:typescript
- 解法介绍:相同的值用一个对象储存,不同的值用另一个对象去储存。
function equationsPossible(equations: string[]): boolean {
const map = new Map<string, { eq: Set<string>; neq: Set<string> }>();
for (const equation of new Set(equations)) {
const c1 = equation[0];
const c2 = equation[3];
const isEqual = equation[1] === '=';
if (c1 === c2) {
if (!isEqual) return false;
else continue;
const e1 = map.get(c1);
const e2 = map.get(c2);
if (e1 === undefined && e2 === undefined) {
if (isEqual) {
const obj = {
eq: new Set<string>([c1, c2]),
neq: new Set<string>(),
map.set(c1, obj);
map.set(c2, obj);
} else {
map.set(c1, { eq: new Set<string>([c1]), neq: new Set<string>([c2]) });
map.set(c2, { eq: new Set<string>([c2]), neq: new Set<string>([c1]) });
} else if (e1 !== undefined && e2 === undefined) {
if (isEqual) {
map.set(c2, e1);
for (let c of e1.neq) map.get(c)?.neq.add(c2);
} else {
map.set(c2, {
eq: new Set<string>([c2]),
neq: new Set<string>([c1, ...e1.eq]),
} else if (e1 === undefined && e2 !== undefined) {
if (isEqual) {
map.set(c1, e2);
for (let c of e2.neq) map.get(c)?.neq.add(c1);
} else {
map.set(c1, {
eq: new Set<string>([c1]),
neq: new Set<string>([c2, ...e2.eq]),
} else if (e1 !== undefined && e2 !== undefined) {
if (isEqual) {
if (e1.neq.has(c2)) return false;
for (const c of e2.eq) {
map.set(c, e1);
for (const c of e2.neq) e1.neq.add(c);
for (const c of e1.neq) for (const eq of e1.eq) map.get(c)?.neq.add(eq);
} else {
if (e1.eq.has(c2)) return false;
for (const c of e2.eq) e1.neq.add(c);
for (const c of e1.eq) e2.neq.add(c);
return true;