最基本的句型 —— 完整句
- 主语 + 谓语 + 宾语
- Fast food contains too much salt and fat.
- 主语 + 系动词 + 表语
- Life in big cities is tough and stressful.
- It is + 形容词 / 名词 + for(对象)to do ...
- It is honourable / honorable (a great honour / honor) for me to make friends with you.
- There be + 名词
- There are two reasons.
- I would like to do ...
- I would like to offer some suggestions.
- It would be + 形容词 + for(对象)to do ...
- It would be helpful for you to read more reference books.
- sth. is / are essential+ for / to(对象)...
- A healthy life style is essential to our body.
- I do hope sth. would be of benefit to you
- I do hope the suggestions I mentioned would be of benefit to you.
- I am + 形容词 + that + 简单句
- I am happy that we are going to work together.
Dear XXX
Yours truly,
Li Ming
Para.1 写信目的,改写题目 30words
I am writing this email (in order) to ...
- 我写这封信/邮件时为了...
I on behalf of ..., write this email (in order) to ...
- 我代表...写了这封信/邮件是为了...
- recommend to you + 推荐的人/物
- apologize to you
- express my sincere apologies to you
- extend my apology to you
- give you some advice
- offer you some suggestions
- ask you to give me some advice
- introduce to you + 需要介绍的人/物
- (sincerely) invite you to this party
- accept your invitation
- express my heartfelt thanks/express my gratitude to you for your ...
- convey my heartfelt congratulations to you on your ...
- complain about the dictionary which I bought from your store three days ago
Para.3 礼节性收尾语,表达情感 40words
- 推荐信/介绍信
- I hope you will find my recommendation/introduction useful.
- 希望您能觉得我的推荐/介绍游泳
- I therefore highly recommend ... for your favorable consideration.
- 因此,我强烈推荐...,希望您能仔细考虑
- If you have any questions, please feel free to let me known.
- 如有任何疑问,请随时与我联系
- I hope you will find my recommendation/introduction useful.
- 道歉信
- Once again, please accept my heartfelt apology.
- 请再一次接受我由衷的歉意
- Once again, I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused.
- 我为我所造成的不便,再次表示歉意
- I will appreciate it if you can understand my situation and accept my apologies.
- 如果您能理解我并接受我的道歉,我将不胜感激
- Once again, please accept my heartfelt apology.
- 建议信
- I do hope that my suggestions can be of some help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at any time and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you.
- 我希望我的建议能帮忙。如果你有其他任何问题,请随时跟我联系,我随时准备好和您讨论这个问题
- I do hope that my suggestions can be of some help. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at any time and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you.
- 咨询信
- Thank you very much for your time and attention. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
- 非常感谢您的时间和关注。期待您在方便的时候尽早给予回复
- Thank you very much for your time and attention. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
- 邀请信
- I really hope you can make it. We look forward to your presence.
- 我真的希望您能前来/答应
- Your presence will be highly appreciated.
- 我们期待您的出席/欢迎您的出席
- I really hope you can make it. We look forward to your presence.
- 感谢信
- Thank you again for what you have done for me. Wish you all the best!
- 再次感谢您为我所做的一切。祝您一切顺利
- Thank you again for what you have done for me. Wish you all the best!
- 第一句
- 建议/推荐/介绍
- I do hope that my suggestions/recommendation/introduction will be of benefit to you
- 我希望我的建议/推荐/介绍将对你有帮助
- 邀请
- I'd appreciate it if you could confirm your participation and come to share the unforgettable moment with us.
- 如果您确认能来并与我们一起度过这难忘的时刻,我将不胜感激
- 建议/推荐/介绍
- 第二句
- 建议/推荐/介绍/邀请
- If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at any time and I will be very happy to discuss this matter with you in greater detail. Wish you all the best!
- 如果你有其他任何问题,请随时跟我联系,我很乐意与你详细讨论此事。祝你一切顺利!
- 建议/推荐/介绍/邀请
- 第一句
- 道歉/祝贺/感谢
- Once again, please accept my heartfelt apology/congratulations/gratitude for you.
- 请在此接受我真诚的道歉/祝贺/感谢
- 道歉/祝贺/感谢
- 第二句
- 道歉
- I wonder if it would be acceptable to reschedule a time for the appointment. Looking forward to your reply at your earliest convenience.
- 我想知道重新安排约会时间是否可以接受。期待您方便时尽早给予回复。
- 祝贺
- I wish you make greater progress and obtain a brighter future in you life.
- 我祝愿你取得更大的进步并且收获更光明的未来
- 感谢
- I will be exceedingly pleased if I could have the opportunity to repay your kindness. Wish you good luck and happiness.
- 如果我能有机会报答你的好意,我将非常乐意。愿好运幸福常伴。
- 道歉
- 第一句
- 投诉
- I would appreciate it if you could give me a satisfactory reply as soon as possible.
- 如果你能尽快给我一个满意的答复,我将不胜感激。 - 咨询
- I would appreciate it if you could give me some effective and practical advice.
- 如果你能给我一些有效实用的建议,我将不胜感激。- 第二句
- 投诉/咨询
- Looking forward to your early reply.
- 期待你早日回复
- 投诉
Para.2 原因/建议/介绍/邀请 分块阐述 80words
第一句 陈述活动主题
The activity is scheduled to take place on October 15th, 2023 in the stadium of our university, centering around the theme of diverse customs cherished by different clutures.
activity 可替换词
- meeting 会议
- conference 会议
- ceremony 仪式
- event 活动
- sports tournament 运动会
- art exhibition 艺术展
- robot show 机器人秀
第二句 介绍活动细节
- Details are as follows. Firstly, the event will start with an opening speech by our dean/president. Secondly, students from different countries will be invited to introduce their local customs. Finally, a question-and-answer session will be arranged.
- 细节如下,这次活动首先将由院长/校长致开幕词。其次,将邀请来自不同国家的学生介绍他们当地的习俗习惯。最后我们将安排一个问答环节。
第三句 邀请人参加
- As it is a good chance to deepen your understanding of multiple cultures and broaden your horizons, we do hope that you can take the time to attend this meeting.
- 这是一个加深你对多种文化理解和开阔视界的好机会。非常希望你能抽出时间来参加这次会议。
第三句 邀请教授参加
- As an expert in the field of art and culture, you are well-renowned for your rich experiences and academic background. It would be a great honor for us if we could have you as our distinguished judge/guest.
- 作为文化艺术领域的专家,您丰富的经验和学术背景久负盛名。如果您能成为我们尊贵的评委/嘉宾,我们将不胜荣幸。
I am writing this email to
- give you my suggestions 建议
- recommend sth. 推荐
- thank you 感谢
- congratulate you 祝贺
- invite you to ... 邀请
- apologize to you 道歉
- complain to you 投诉
- inform you about 通知
(On behalf of ...) I am writing this email to delivery/express my
- highly suggestion (建议) (to you) on (doing) sth.
- highly recommendation (推荐) (to you) on (doing) sth.
- sincere appreciation (感谢) (to you) on (doing) sth.
- sincere congratulation (祝贺) (to you) on (doing) sth.
- heartfelt invitation (邀请) (to you) to do sth.
- heartfelt apology (道歉) (to you) for (doing) sth.
- complaint (投诉) (to you) on sth.
I am writing this email to give you my suggestions that might support your efforts (on this topic / in (doing) sth.).
I do/really hope you can
- take my advice 建议
- find my recommendation useful 推荐
- make it 邀请
- accept my apology 道歉
- make it right 投诉
- come 通知
(Thank you / congratulations to you) for what you have (done for me! / achieved!)
I do hope that my suggestions/recommendation/introduction will be of benefit to you.
- 希望你能觉得我的建议/推荐/介绍将对你有帮助
I really hope you can take my advices.
- 希望你真的能采取我的建议
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me at any time and I will be very happy to discuss this matter with you in greater detail.
- 如果你有其他任何问题,请随时跟我联系,我很乐意与你详细讨论此事
Looking forward to your reply.
- Looking forward to your reply
The activity/conference is scheduled to take place on 日期 in the stadium of your university, centering around the theme of diverse customs cherished by different cultures. Details are as follows. Firstly, the event will start with an opening speech by our dean/president. Secondly, students from different countries will be invited to introduce their local customs. Finally, a question-and-answer session will be arranged. As it is a good chance to deepen your understanding of multiple cultures and broaden your horizons, we do hope that you can take the time to attend this meeting.
First, it would be beneficial to start with a clear overview of the background and key issues. For instance, providing some historical or cultural context could help the students gain a foundational understanding and appreciate the deeper significance of the topic. This approach not only highlights the importance of the subject but also creates strong starting point for further engagement.
(Second,) I suggest organizing interactive sessions. This type of interaction encourages active engagement and helps to broaden perspectives, making the experience more enriching for everyone involved.
(Last,) it may be valuable to arrange for expert/guest speakers or community members to share their knowledge and experience. This step can add depth to the discussion, offering practical insights and perhaps even inspiring more involvement from the participants.
- a chart
- a graph
- a diagram
- a table
- pie chart
- bar chart
- line chart
- line graph
- table
- v.
- increase
- grow
- rise
- climb
- go up
- pick up
- mount up
- soar
- skyrocket
- n.
- increase
- growth
- rise
- climb
- pickup
- jump
- v.
- decrease
- decline
- fall
- drop
- grow down
- go down
- plummet
- n.
- decrease
- decline
- fall
- drop
- slowdown
- downturn
- v.
- fluctuate
- n.
- fluctuation
- v.
- remain
- keep
- maintain
- stay
- n.
- stability
- adj.
- stable
- stady
- remain stable
- remain steady
- stay constant
- levelled off
- reach a plateau
- slowly 缓慢地
- dramatically 显著地
- rapidly 迅速地
- steadily 逐步地
- remarkably 显著地
- steeply 急剧地
- significantly 显著地
- comparatively 相对地
- respectively 分别地
- In the first place, ... . In the second place, ...
- First, ... Addtionally, ... Finally ...
- At the top of the list, ... In addition, ... Finally, ...
- First and foremost, ... In the end ,...
- To begin with, ... In addition, ..., Lastly, ....
静态图模版 - 首段模版1
The chart illustrates significant differences in [主题]. According to the data provided, [A项] accounts for the highest percentage among all the categories, standing at XX%. This is followed by [B项], which makes up XX%. Meanwhile, [C项] and [D项] have proportions of XX% and XX% respectively.
- chart
- figure
- data
- illustrates
- demonstrates
- reveals
- accounts for
- represents
- highest
- largest
- percentage
- proportion
- ratio
- standing at
- amounting to
- occupying
- standing at
- amounting to
- occupying
静态图模版 - 首段模版2
According to the chart, [A项] takes the lead with a substantial XX%, highlighting its dominance. [B项] follows closely behind, with a share of XX%. Meanwhile, [C项] and [D项] show relatively lower proportions, at only XX% and XX%. The information described in the above graphic representation reminds us of how necessary/common it is to [主题].
静态图 - 尾段模版
(Based on what has been discussed above/Given all arguments above), we may (draw the conclusion / come to the conclusion) that phenomenon observed is the natural result of the economic and social development. I firmly believe that the phenomenon will continue in the years ahead.
动态图模版 - 首段模版1
Based on the data provided, there has been a noticeable trend in [主题] over the past [时间段: decade five years]. Specifically, the number of [A项] increased/decreased from [起始数字] in [起始年份] to [结束数字] in [结束年份], reflecting a roughly rise/drop. By conrtast, [B项] experienced an opposite/ a similar trend, with a gradual drop/rise from [起始数字] to [结束数字] over the same period.
- went up
- jumped
- went down
- fell
- approximately
- increase
- jump
- decline
- decrease
- [C项] flucutated over the period, ranging from [最低值] to [最高值].
- [C项] saw a moderate/significant/dramatic increase/decrease during the period.
动态图模版 - 首段模版2
The data reveals a clear upward/downward trajectory in [主题] over the past [时间段]. Starting from [起始数字] in [起始年份], the level of [A项] numbers showed a steady increase/decrease, reaching [结束数字] by [结束年份]. In comparison, [B项] exhibited a contrasting/similar trend, moving from [起始数字] in [起始年份] to [结束数字] in [结束年份].
数据揭示了[主题] [时间段]明显向上/向下轨迹。从[起始年份]的[起始数字]开始,[A项]数量呈稳步增长/下降趋势,到[结束年份]达到[结束数字]。相比之下,[B项]呈现对比/相似的趋势,从[起始年份]的[起始数字]上升到[结束年份]的[结束数字]。
动态图 - 尾端模版
Taking into account all the factors discussed above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the trend observed will continue in the coming years and exert a far-reaching effect on the individualsas well as the whole society.
静态图 - 首段模版 - 躺平
A highly conspicuous phenomenon can be observed in the chart. The most significant portion among the data stands at XX%. Following closely is another category with a XX% share. In addition, the remaining proportions are distributed at xx%,xx%, and xx% respectively.
动态图 - 首段模版 - 躺平
A particularly striking phenomenon is evident from the chart. The one data set with the most significant change has risen/fallen from XXX to XXX. Another data set exhibits a less pronounced variation, increasing/decreasing from XXX to XXX over the same period.(Moreover, the remaining category has fluctuated relatively .)
Given thesevidence above, it can be concluded that this phenomenon is an inevitable outcome of the combined effects of personal progress and societal growth, and it will continue for the foreseeable future.
第二段 + 第三段 - 高分版本
The data presented in the chart sheds light on significant patterns and underlying factors contributing to these results. One notable reason for these observations is the shift in societal priorities, reflecting a greater emphasis on [educational, technological, or lifestyle] improvements. This phenomenon aligns with broader changes driven by advancements in [technology, education policies, or economic development], which have reshaped how people approach [activities, work, or personal growth]. Additionally, supportive measures from institutions or local authorities have reinforced this shift creating an environment that fosters [emotional comfort, skill enhancement, or well-being]. Moreover, evolving attitudes among individuals highlight a preference for [innovative solutions, hands-on learning, or healthier habits], which are clearly reflected in the data.
Overall, these elements illustrate how various social, educational, and policy-driven factors collectively shape modern behaviors and trends.
- people's
- students'
- residents'
- citizens'
- individuals
- people
- students
- citizens
- residents
第二段 - 躺平版1
It is not difficult to identify some factors that account for these changes(动)/this difference (静). To start with, it is apparent that the rapid development of the economy and society, as well as the improvement in living conditions, has led to the emergence of this trend(动)/these contrasts(静).In addition, there is no denying that local authorities have recently put greater emphasis on and implemented relevant policies,which has played a significant role in driving this tendency(动)/causing such phenomenon(静).Finally, it goes without saying that the changing attitudes of people coupled with better education, have encouraged more people to make these choices./【From my perspective, personal attitude/students’ willingness is one of the crucial determinants underlying this matter.】(可与第三个论点替换)
第二段 - 躺平版2
Several factors contribute to this phenomenon. First and foremost, the rapid advancement of technology and the continuous improvement in living standards have significantly influenced this trend(动)/this difference(静). As societies develop and become more interconnected, people's needs and expectations evolve, driving changes in behavior and preferences. Moreover, the media and modern communication channels amplify awareness and influence public opinion, further accelerating these developments. Lastly, shifts in cultural values and educational improvements have led individuals to adopt new perspectives and behaviors that align with contemporary norms.
The activity/conference is scheduled to take place on Dec 24, 2024 in the stadium of your university, centering around the theme of diverse customs cherished by different cultures. Details are as follows. Firstly, the event will start with an opening speech by our dean. Secondly, students from different countries will be invited to introduce their local customs. Finally, a question-and-answer session will be arranged. As it is a good chance to deepen your understanding of multiple cultures and broaden your horizons, we do hope that you can take the time to attend this meeting.
First, it would be beneficial to start with a clear overview of the background and key issues. For instance, providing some historical or cultural context could help the students gain a foundational understanding and appreciate the deeper significance of the topic. This approach not only highlights the importance of the subject but also creates strong starting point for further engagement.
Second, I suggest organizing interactive sessions. This type of interaction encourages active engagement and helps to broaden perspectives, making the experience more enriching for everyone involved.
Last, it may be valuable to arrange for expert speakers or community members to share their knowledge and experience. This step can add depth to the discussion, offering practical insights and perhaps even inspiring more involvement from the participants.
The data presented in the chart sheds light on significant patterns and underlying factors contributing to these results. One notable reason for these observations is the shift in societal priorities, reflecting a greater emphasis on technological, educational, or lifestyle improvements. This phenomenon aligns with broader changes driven by advancements in technology, education policies, or economic development, which have reshaped how people approach activities, work, or personal growth. Additionally, supportive measures from institutions or local authorities have reinforced this shift creating an environment that fosters emotional comfort, skill enhancement, or well-being. Moreover, evolving attitudes among individuals highlight a preference for innovative solutions, hands-on learning, or healthier habits, which are clearly reflected in the data.
Overall, these elements illustrate how various social, educational, and policy-driven factors collectively shape modern behaviors and trends.
The chart illustrates significant differences in X. According to the data provided, A accounts for the highest percentage among all the categories, standing at X%. This is followed by B, which makes up X%. Meanwhile, C and D have proportions of X% and X% respectively.
Based on the data provided, there has been a noticeable trend in X over the past X. Specifically, the number of A increased/decreased from X in X to X in X, reflecting a roughly X% rise/drop. By contrast, B experienced an opposite/a similar trend, with a gradual rise/drop from X to X over the same period. C fluctuated over the period, range from X to X.